Analysis of Algorithms(Study Notes Ⅰ)


If you want to be a good programmer, you just program every day for two years, you will be an excellent programmer.

If you want to be a world-class programmer, you can program every day for ten years, or you can program every day for two years and take an algorithms class.

-Charles Leiserson


Problem sorting

Input: sequence<a1 ,a2,…,an> of numbers

Output: permutation <a1’,a2’,…,an’>

$(such that): a1’≤a2’≤…≤an’

Insertion sort

Insertion Sort(A1…n) // Sorts A[1,…,n] for j←2 to n do key ← A[j] i ← i-1 while i>0 and A[i] > key do A[i+1] ← A[i] i ← i-1 A[i+1] ← key



Runnning time

  • Depends on input(e.g. already sorted)

  • Depends on input size(6 elements vs 6*109)

  • parameterize things input size

  • want upper bonds

  • guarantee to user


Kinds of analysis

  • Worst-case analysis (usually)

T(n) = maximun time on any input of size n.

  • Average-case analysis (sometimes)

T(n) = expected time over all inputs of size n.

(Need assumption of the statistical distribution of inputs)

  • Best-case analysis (bogus)

Cheat with a slow algorithm : take any slow algorithm that you want and just check for some particular input.



What is insertion sort’s worst-case time ?

  • Depends on computer

  • relative speed (on some machine)

  • absolute speed (on different machines)

Big IDEA of Algorithm – Asympthotic analysis (渐近分析)

  1. Ignore machine-dependent constants instead of the actual running time.

  2. Look at growth of the running time (T(n) as n → ∞).

Asymptotic notation (渐近符号)

θ-notation (theta) :

  • Drop low order terms

  • Ignore leading constants


Ex: 3n3 + 90n2 –5n + 6046 = θ(n3)

As n → ∞ , θ(n2) algorithm always be as a θ(n3) algorithm.

Insertion sort analysis

Worse-case: input reverse sorted.


(j times some constants)

Is insertion sort fast?

  • Moderately fast , for small n.

  • Not at all for large n.

to be continued…